Active Release Techniques (ART®) is a patented manual soft tissue treatment that is effective for a broad range of soft tissue injuries. Soft tissues (muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia) are subject to a vicious cumulative injury cycle from repetitive motions, trauma, poor biomechanics and poor posture. The impact of the cumulative injury cycle on the involved soft tissues are: increased tension, decreased circulation, increased friction and eventually the formation of adhesions or scar tissue which lead to dysfunction, pain, decreased strength, decreased mobility and compensation by other muscles which will in turn begin their own cumulative injury cycle. 

ART treatments are used to break this cycle which will help to restore proper function and get you out of pain. The ART system involves motion assessment followed by hands on treatment that utilize patient motion to help remove the adhesions and scar tissue, restore circulation and restore proper function of the involved tissues. ART involves hundreds of specific protocols and utilization of this function based technique have led to rapid recovery from many common injuries including tendonitis, rotator cuff syndrome, patellar tracking syndrome, iliotibial band (ITB) syndrome, plantar fasciitis, shin splints, tennis or golfer’s elbow, and joint pain in most instances. ART treatments are also designed to locate and remove the causes of many common peripheral nerve entrapments such as carpal tunnel syndrome, thoracic outlet syndrome, and ulnar neuropathy to name a few.

ART is function and results oriented. The technique provides a non-invasive and safe treatment option for soft tissue injuries and is commonly sought after due to the quick recovery time and dramatic improvements in function and performance. The treatments are equally effective regardless of your age, occupation, or activity level. Treatments can be uncomfortable as the adhesions and scar tissue are broken up, however, the discomfort is temporary and typically subsides quickly after treatment. Recreating symptoms during a treatment is common and is a good indication that the underlying cause of the problem is being addressed. Thorough treatments take 15-20 minutes. Though relief may be felt immediately following the initial treatment, several treatments may be necessary to fully restore proper function.